Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 3: I'm Learning Something

Our homeschool journey is on Day 3 and we are having a successful week.
I'm happy to report that I'm not only learning alot but remembering alot!
It's been a little while since I was in school and my brain may have gone a little bit, oh, um, gooey.
I forget things from time to time.
Going through studies with the kids is making my mind work.
I'm loving the connection of learning together!


  1. I think the more I homeschool, the more memory loss I have. Or maybe it's because I'm getting older. Or tired? LOL

  2. That's funny Susan!
    It's only our third day so we're still in the "newness" of it all.
    I have my moments when I can't put two words together!
